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Довольные сотрудники уменьшают Ваши затраты на:

В The University of Warwick проведенном исследование была выявлена связь между продуктивностью и счастьем - счастливые сотрудники являются более продуктивными чем несчастные.

"Among the subjects who reported higher happiness levels after seeing the comedy, productivity was significantly higher: 12% higher than the productivity of the other subjects, for both men and women. The subjects who watched the movie but did not report higher levels of happiness did not demonstrate higher levels of productivity. As a result, the increase in productivity seems to be linked to the increase in happiness, not merely to the watching of the comedy movie per se. The story with snacks and water was virtually identical with this group also performing much better at the task. Similarly for those subjects who suffered a “bad life event” in the previous 3 years productivity was 10% lower than those who did not suffer any family bereavement or serious illness in the family. Given the extraordinarily homogeneous sample of our subjects in terms of age, experience and ability, the difference in productivity was unexpectedly striking."

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